Tuesday 18 October 2016

Question and Answer Session

Question: Plastics bags is really bad for the environment. Should the government ban plastics bags all together?
Answer: It is not realistic nor feasible to expect a complete ban on all types of plastic bags. Plastics bags are here to stay they are part of our lifestyle. There is the “good kind” of plastic and there is the “bad kind of plastic”? The “bad kind” is the one that is derived from propylene, a chemical component of petroleum, which will make it nearly impossible to safely biodegrade in the environment.  The “good kind of plastic” is made of biomass and are sourced from natural materials such as corn starch, wheat straw etc…  this type will biodegrade within a few months in the right type of environment i.e. if disposed of properly. The problem is that only 1% of the total consumption of plastics is based on renewable raw material.

Question: So what’s the solution?
Answer: Go back to basics.

  1. Ask people to stop using normal plastics bags;
  2. Start using biodegradable/compostable bags instead;
  3.  Dispose of the waste in the proper bin ready to be collected, sorted out and sent to proper recycled centers.  Everyone of us have a responsibility to bin our waste properly in order to make sure that it does not find its way into waterways, rivers and ocean.

The solution is upstream NOT downstream after the damage has been done.

Question: Marine pollution has received a lot of publicity lately and some innovator has come up with large scale innovative infrastructure to clean the whole ocean of all the plastic waste. This is a fantastic initiative don’t you think?
Answer: Those genuine and heroic effort should be applauded and respected however the truth of the matter is that this kind of “downstream involvement” which comes after the damage has been done will never resolve the problem; and even if they manage to clean the ocean their job will never be completed because new plastic waste will keep coming if there is a lack of consciousness about responsible ways to use and dispose of plastic waste. The time, effort and money would be better spent in the first place on making sure that the waste never found its way into waterways, rivers and oceans; this is done through education programs and investment to improve waste collection  infrastructure (i.e. more bins and also more trash capture devices on rivers and estuary) to capture all kind of plastic waste upstream, which will then be sent to recycling centers.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Get Anti-Yuck Protection and Waste Pickup Bags Use the PicknBin Poopybags & Wipes

 PicknBin offers a unique, chic, practical, easy -to-carry and green clean-up kit with on one side some Biodegradable/compostable waste bags and on the other side some antibacterial wipes that are totally safe for both human and pets.

The bags are strong with handles and can accommodate all sizes of poops. The wipes are always handy to have to clean –up your hands after Yucky pick-up or clean the surface of your apartment lobby after Yucky & Runny discharge.

Picking up after your dog is probably the least pleasant aspect of owning a dog. Anything related to poop sounds unpleasant, dirty, repulsive and downright disgusting. The design of the wallet and the poopy bag was done using light colours on purpose in order (i) to step away from the dark black or dark green colours used in most poopy bags but also to create a feeling of “freshness”/ ‘cleanness”. The Biodegradable bag is designed with the catch phrase “Stay Green ~ Stay Clean”. So the whole idea of the design was to move from the concept of something unpleasant, dirty and repulsive to something that is hygienic, clean and green plus easy to carry and chic at the same time.

So PicknBin Poopy bags and wipes has transformed the activity of picking up after your dog from an unpleasant activity to a hygienic, clean and green activity.

Don’t leave home without it! Have the PicknBin Kit with you everywhere, anywhere and you will always be prepared.  Keep it in your handbag, keep it in your backpack, keep it in your trouser’s pocket, your jacket pocket, and keep it in the glove compartment of your car.

Whilst you are on-the-go with dog and baby in toe and baby’s nappy feels very heavy and smelly, you will feel quite relieved to be able to change baby’s nappy, use the wipes to clean up everything, put everything into the PicknBin bag and then find the nearest bin to dump it all.

In the UK the police can now fine on the spot dog owners who take their dogs for a walk whilst not having with them a picking up device. PicknBin provides the perfect solution for responsible dog owners; with the PicknBin kit in your pocket you will for sure have with you your pick-up device ready to be used anywhere anytime.

It is easy to order go on our website: www.picknbin.com and you will receive your kit in the post in no time.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Your Pet Wants More- Clean Up Bags Are at Easy Costs

Waste bags are formulated to speed up the disintegration process. These are many times faster than ordinary plastic bags. We take pride on making Biodegradable Dog Waste Bag big enough rolled onto recycled paper core. We make promise that are completely broken apart into natural carbon dioxide and water. As our mission states that we want to make the world a cleaner place. As a pet owner, life with pets can get pretty dirty. That;s why we want to provide an easy way to clean it up.

We are dedicated to clean the world and offer the customers the latest cut edge friendly technology. With us, you’ll find a complete line of convenient, biodegradable waste disposal bags been packaged. If you’re looking for an easy option to clean up dog wastes including dog poops or dirt, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got the virtual one stop for biodegradable disposal bags in personal zip lock pouches or commercial rolls for refillable dispensers.

Dedicate Something for your Dogs
Our Dog Clean up Bags make clean up easy and they’re safe for the environment. So, anybody can feel good about using them. There is our way, a usually clean up for dog poop and dispose of dirty without harming the environment. From our Poopy Bags, we have all you need to keep the world clean. Packaged in personal zip lock pouches, easy to use at home or on the run, they come with convenient log lasting rolls that fit including new line of high capacity for dispensers for the poopy pouch bags. 

Now pet travel made easy
Now for Pet Travel Bag, has this nifty carrier that doubles as a bed. It works great for airline travel and even for crash tested for use on the road. Something good about this carrier is that, your pup can use it normally as a bed. This would make traveling a little less stressful when you zip sides up and turn into a carrier. This carrier puts safety as a top priority and works great for flights and drives. When flying, the sides of the carrier fold up to ensure it fits under the seat in front of you. Major airlines go by allowing this type o subsidiary functionality pets in cabin. The carrier itself has slits one side that you can slide over the handle of your carry-on, so that you don’t have to carry it on your person through the airport.

Through Picknbin, your shoulders will thank you. The carrier also includes straps on both sides to secure a car seat belt in place so that, in the event of an accident, the carrier doesn’t get displaced in the vehicle. We provide this package and more sick bags and other clean up kit to make sure of personal habits to do well while cleaning and health hazard times. This will surely prevent from coming across your needy intervals of bad vomit motion and other local illness.For further catch up at www.picknbin.com.